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Thank you for your support
22 August 2013
The last few weeks has been a very busy time for the Hurling club and they would like to thank everyone for their support of a number of events:-
The Parish Gathering
The Hurling club were involved in a number of events to do with the parish gathering. Firstly the U6's had their own internal blitz on the saturday which preceeded a "Fathers Vs Daughters" game in Dunnamaggin Gaa grounds. Then on Sunday there was a very novel event a "Cross country Poc Fada" which involed teams of three hitting the Sloitar from Dunnanaggin to Kimoganny over fields, ditches,dikes, rivers and roadways. A special word of thanks to all the land owners for the use of their land and to all those who participated or helped out in some way.
Piltown Draw
Thank you to all who supported the piltown draw this year. This is a vital fundraiser for the club each year. We had four winners over the course of the five draws this year.
Dunnamaggin G.A.A. Golf classic.
The Dunnamaggin G.A.A. golf classic was held on the weekend of the 16th & 17th August and was a huge success with over 52 teams competing. Thank you to all who participated in the classic or helped out in some way. A big thank you also to all the sponsors who supported the classic. The prize winners were as follows:- 1st Place:-Helen Davis, Michael Davis, Sean Greene, Kathleen Phelan. 2nd Place:-Barry Henriques, Claire Henriques, Jim Dowling, Dan McCarthy. 3rd Place:-John Healy, Jim Kirby, John Grace, Murt Duggan. The Longest Drive competitions were won by Killian Buckley and Berna Walsh. Closest to the pin was won by Danny Reid and Kathleen Hession.