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Ladies Gaelic Football Team
06 February 2015
A meeting took place in St. Leonard's Hall in Dunnamaggin on Friday 6th February last to begin the process of establishing a Juvenile Ladies Gaelic Football Club in Dunnamaggin. 26 people attended and the meeting was addressed by both Chairman Joe Fox and Development Officer Paul Whelan of Kilkenny Ladies Gaelic Football Association. The attendees were given a detailed brief on the various steps that need to be taken in order to set up a club and register players and teams with the association. The briefing also covered areas such as club registration fees, annual subscriptions and Garda vetting policies as well as details on the various competitions and blitzes that are run by the association within the county each year.
The new club expects to be registered within the coming weeks and has already begun the process of recruiting members.We wish the new club every success during it's start up.
During the meeting the following people were elected as officers of the new club;
Chairperson: William Mulhall Kells
Secretary: Vickie Whelan Dunnamaggin
Treasurer: Anne Davis Dunnamaggin
Committee: Joe Sheridan Kells, Aine Lahart Dunnamaggin and Elena Byrne Kells
Anyone interested in playing or assisting with the new club please contact Chairman William Mulhall on 086 3175434 or Secretary Vickie Whelan on 086 4684007.