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Reign of Terror - A Big Thank You!!

21 October 2016

Reign of Terror.

On Saturday last the Village of Kells hosted the Reign of Terror, a 5 km and 10 km obstacle course race like no other. After months of planning and an unbelievable community effort the day had finally arrived. Garages and sheds were flat out and there wasn't a piece of timber safe for miles making obstacles in the lead up.The course was in place and looked splendid.The weather was spectacular and the saying "build it and they will come" springs to mind when 727 took part over the course of the day. The opening wave at 10 am, a 10 km race was the competitive one which served as an OCR qualifier. Local athletes Donna Dunne and Sean Connery won the women's and men's races respectively. They both received hand crafted limestone pieces from local artist Kevin Fennelly. Once their race started, the next wave consisting of 40 competitors were let off 10 mins later and so on for the rest of the day.The race went off without a hitch and It was truly an incredible day for the parish. Thanks to the Sponsors, Organisers, Land Owners,Stewards (over 160!!), Competitors and anyone who helped in anyway in making the inaugural year of The Reign of Terror such an amazing success.