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Ladies Gaellic Football Club- NEWS

15 February 2015

As you may be aware the process has started for setting up a new Ladies Gaelic Football Club in the parish.

A Committee has been formed, and has been registered with the GAA/LPGA and are now ready to register new players.


A cake sale will be held on  this Sunday after mass (15th Feb) to raise awareness and funds. Interested players can also come down and register on this day.

St Leonard’s Hall is the venue for this event and will be there before and after mass.

Registration for players u10 years old is €20.00 and all other juvenile grades is €35.00. We have decided to cap a family registration fee at €70.00 for 1 adult and up to 3 girls.


Player registration will take place, alongside Dunnamaggin GAA, on the 21/02/15 in St Eoghan’s hall, Kilmoganny and on 22/02/15 after mass in St Leonard’s Hall, Dunnamaggin.


All girls are welcome and we plan to cater for all interested ages. At the moment we are considering 5-8s, u10s & u12s and u14s & u16s.

It is important that all interested parties come and register on these days as we need to know what resources and coaches we will need to

Provide for the new club.

It is intend to start training in Dunnamaggin GAA Club at the beginning of March and the 8 to 12 year olds will be starting a 12 week Gaelic 4Girls introductory program to Gaelic Football, which is run by the LGFA at the club.


Any queries can be emailed to