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Virtual AGM Summary 8th Jan 2021

14 January 2021

Dunnamaggin Hurling Club held their 2020 AGM on Friday 8th January 2021. Unable to be held earlier due to Covid Level 4 restrictions it went ahead virtually for the first time in the clubs history under Level 5 restrictions. With an attendance of 30 people it was well attended using Zoom Video. Chairperson Jim Hickey opened the meeting and all the Chairperson’s, Treasurer’s and Secretary’s reports were shared successfully. The 2021 List of Club Officers was also proposed and seconded and are as follows: - President: Fr Fergus Farrell, Vice President: Billy Heffernan, Chairperson: Jim Hickey, Vice Chairperson: Dick O’Shea, Treasurer: Alan Buckley, Secretary: Philip Tallon, Insurance Officer: Andrew O’Neill, Registrar: TBC, PRO: James Rossiter, Rep to County Board: Tom McCormack, Children’s Officer: Margaret Hayes, Designated Person: Conor Bass, Facilities / Maintenance / Development Officer: Dick O’Shea.