Supervalu Callan

Green Street, Callan, Co. KilkennyTel: 056 7725603Fax: 056 7725153 Moblie:-086-8300102Email:  OPENING H...


Please support your Local Parish Lotto

23 January 2018

There is a local parish lotto in place for many years now. It provides vital fundraising to support facilities in the villages of Kells,Kilmoganny and Dunnamaggin such as St.Eoghans Centre & St.Leonards Hall and support to the Kells Hanball club and Dunnamaggin GAA club.

Tickets are just 1.50 euro or 75Euro for the year. Draws take place every monday night and Tickets can be bought from local promoters or at the following venues in the 3 villages:-


Morans Shop

Post Office

Dunphy's Bar


Townsend's Bar


Bob's Shop.


Delaney's Bar