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Sudden Adult Death Screening
26 August 2016
St Josephs AC are running a Sudden Adult Death Sydrome Screening open to all,Rosbercon next Sat 27th Aug.65euro.go to,online booking,code josephs
Hi Jimmy,
I am contacting you from Advanced Medical Services. We are an Irish owned company providing Cardiac Screening which is ultimately aimed at reducing the incidents of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) in Ireland.
We are holding a Cardiac Screening Clinic in St. Josephs Athletic Club (Rosbercon Parish Hall) on Saturday 27th August. I have attached information on the screening along with the details & code for booking an appointment. I would be grateful if you could share this information with your clubs whose members are more than welcome to make an appointment for the 27th of August if they wish to do so. The banner advert attached can also be shared on Facebook, twitter and the club website.
Bookings can be made online
Go to
Click on the ‘Online Booking’
Enter the clinic code josephs
Or people can click on the link below.
Each screening takes 25 minutes and the fee for the Cardiac Screening service is €65 per person. People with Laya Healthcare can avail of the service for free but must make a booking too. People with other health insurance may be able to claim back a percentage at the end of the year. Alternatively, individuals with difficulty online can call our helpline 1890 300 333 or email
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.
Kind Regards,
Advanced Medical Services|20 Eastgate Way |Eastgate Business Park |Little Island|Co Cork |Ireland
|(Mob) 086 0401301 |(LoCall) 1890 300 333 | |